Super Terram (towards a multispecific urbanism)
Nadia Casabella, Ananda Kohlbrenner, Giulia Ravera, Kim Tondeur with Bral and 51N4E
Super Terram is a co-creation research project focused on Brussels' soils and the life animating them. By placing living soils at the heart of citizen mobilizations, the project aims to bring out new ways of developing our cities that are more sensitive to the multiple relationships that unfold under our feet.
Le “Bottin Super terram” constitue une compilation de morceaux choisis, de productions multimédia élaborées aux cours des 18 mois de recherche menés sur les sols urbains bruxellois et la vie qui les anime.
Far from constituting a toolbox of “good practices”, it offers selected fragments of what this project has made possible so far, offering testimony to a collective research in progress, always in exploration.
In deze publicatie openen we de achterdeur naar de onderzoeksmethodes die in dit project worden onderzocht, de gebruikte instrumenten en vormen van aandacht ten gunste van de bodem en de levens die ermee verbonden zijn.
Super Terram (towards a multispecific urbanism)
Nadia Casabella, Ananda Kohlbrenner, Giulia Ravera, Kim Tondeur with Bral and 51N4E
Super Terram is a co-creation research project focused on Brussels' soils and the life animating them. By placing living soils at the heart of citizen mobilizations, the project aims to bring out new ways of developing our cities that are more sensitive to the multiple relationships that unfold under our feet.
Le “Bottin Super terram” constitue une compilation de morceaux choisis, de productions multimédia élaborées aux cours des 18 mois de recherche menés sur les sols urbains bruxellois et la vie qui les anime.
Far from constituting a toolbox of “good practices”, it offers selected fragments of what this project has made possible so far, offering testimony to a collective research in progress, always in exploration.
In deze publicatie openen we de achterdeur naar de onderzoeksmethodes die in dit project worden onderzocht, de gebruikte instrumenten en vormen van aandacht ten gunste van de bodem en de levens die ermee verbonden zijn.